"Leo Brent Robillard's The Road to Atlantis is a poignant, resonant tale of a family's dissolution following the death of their daughter. In gorgeous, gripping prose, he explores how individuals cope with tragedy and how grief sifts through the generations until it can finally settle and heal. This is a novel that echoes with human emotion and meaning and that deserves to be read."

-- Lauren Carter, author of Swarm

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Good Time Was Had By All

I was thrilled -- and honestly surprised -- by the size and enthusiasm of the crowd on Saturday at the Joshua Bates Centre.  It was great to see so many familiar faces out, and equally exciting to meet so many new people.

I hope all those who purchased a copy of Drift, or one of my previous novels, draw as much enjoyment from reading them as I did in writing them.  Thank you all again for your support.

I strongly encourage you to rate the books -- and perhaps even wite a brief review -- on the Chapters and Amazon websites.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you had a great turnout. My only regret is that I didn't know about this sooner! It will help now that I have found your blog...
